3 is the number of today. Not just the nice video i posted before is a focus on this number.
The following weeks 3 nice mural events will happen .... plus one more time Fokus Festival in Görlitz ;)
Artbase 2011 ( 6-7th August) near Berlin will rock the countryside of Brandeburg . A lot of artists from Berlin and who visited Berlin left stuff in Grabow - check out
their website for more infos2.
12-14 august - Sichtbeton(g) part 2 will run in Dresden Prohlis. After a great weekend in the last year , this year new artists will come to prohlis and paint together.
this year the first time their is a great party with körpa klauz (Stuttgart) and lectures with Robert Kaltenhäuser (art inconsequence) and Me (Muralismo Morte)
more infos hopefully soon ... but for sure it happens ;) results of the last year -
ibug is rockin again an abandoned area in Meerane. painting starts on 26th -
official opening of IBUG - 2nd september.
once again artists from all over europe move to this small, shiny town. Ta55o and Help (Meerane), Zone56 (Glauchau), Tshunc and Flamat (Leipzig), Andy K, Jens Besser (Dresden), Zebster and Wurstbande (Berlin), Atem (Frankfurt am Main), Hifi (Dortmund), Chromeo (Schweiz), Ruskig (Schweden), Emilone (Österreich) and Faunagraphic (Großbritannien)
hereplus 1 ;)
Fokus Festival is back again from 9-11th September . Fokus is a funky subcultural Festival near the polish border. Görlitz , home of the fokus, is divided into a german and polish part. Every year the festival tries to bring young people from both countries together. Part of the Fokus is the infamous Painters meeting . This year with artists like b01grafik (Wroclaw, PL), Base 23 (Berlin), Benuz (Oaxaca, Mexico), CiahCiah (Wroclaw, PL), DKV crew (PL), Duncan Passmore(GB), Este (Wroclaw, PL), Felix Almes (Leipzig), Irgh (Berlin), Jens Besser (Dresden), Jote (Kraków, PL), Kim Köster (Berlin), Martin Haufe (Leipzig), Mikołaj Rejs (PL), Osthood ( Cottbus), Sam Crew ( Berlin), Sichtbeton Crew (Dresden), Stefan Schwarzer (Halle), Tasso (Meerane), Urkel (Berlin), XXcrew (Berlin) ... and i guess many more.