BOOK - Release !!!
We are delighted to commence our fall season with a beautiful new title.
Wir freuen uns sehr mit diesem außergewöhnlich schönen Buch in den Herbst zu starten.
Muralismo Morte - The Rebirth of Muralism in Contemporary Urban Art reveals the vibrancy of a new type of muralism as it rises from the shadows of urban spaces in metropolises worldwide. From much celebrated pieces in prominent places to those hidden in anonymous, decayed ruins, it features the large-scale murals and small interventions of some of the most exciting international artists associated with this movement. Muralist and art activist Jens Besser uncovers these treasures and offers special insights into the emerging scene that is coloring our urban experience.
Texts by Robert Kaltenhäuser, Peter Michalski, Michael Haas (Facadeprinter), Markus Dorninger (Tagtool),Thilo Fröbel, Resto, Tec, Jens Besser and Kain Logos
Artists/Künstler: Roa, Remed, Klub 7, Aec & Waone (Interesni Kazki), Blu, Os Gemeos, Escif, Iemza, Tagtool, Sonice Development, 108, Resto, Aris, Kislow , Eleuro , Sepe, Kenor and many more.
Muralismo Morte - The Rebirth of Muralism in Contemporary Urban Art, zeigt die Dynamik einer neuen Form der Wandmalerei, die seit einigen Jahren weltweit aus den Schatten der urbanen Räume der Metropolen hervor tritt. Von den gefeierten Arbeiten an prominenten Plätzen zu den anonymen Werken, versteckt in verfallenen Ruinen, bietet dieses Buch die großen Murals und kleinen Interventionen einiger der spannendsten internationalen Künstler dieser Bewegung. Muralist und Kunst-Aktivist Jens Besser deckt diese Kostbarkeiten auf und bietet einen tiefen Einblick in eine aufstrebende Szene, die unsere urbane Landschaft in neuen Farben zeichnet.
Take a look inside the book here!
Title: Muralismo Morte - The Rebirth of Muralism in Contemporary Urban Art
Author: Jens Besser
Pages: 200, color, ca. 300 Illustrations & photographs
Format: 28.5 x 21 cm (11.22 x 8.27 inches)
Language: English edition
Price Hardcover: 24.95 € | £ 24.99 | US $ 34.95
ISBN Hardcover: 978-3-937946-29-0
you can order it here
Book Release / 1. October 2010!
Exhibition & Book release party / Common Ground Gallery / Berlin:
1.October 2010 / 7 pm-open end
Lecture / Buchvorstellung (Jens Besser): 8:30 pm
Live video performance – BerlinBeamBoys
DJ Dejoe
Common Ground Gallery / Hip Hop Stützpunkt
Marienburger Str. 16 A (Hinterhof)
10405 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
Muralismo Morte Events Schedule:
for detailed information please check www.fromheretofame.com
1. October 2010 – Berlin
Common Ground Gallery
Exhibition & Book release party / lecture by Jens Besser
7 – 10. October 2010 – Berlin
Stroke.03 Urban Art Fair
Muralismo Morte lecture by Jens Besser & live painting by Roa, Sepe and Aryz (TBC)
27. October 2010 – Dresden
Muralismo Morte lecture by Jens Besser
3. November 2010 – Leipzig
Mzin Book Store
Muralismo Morte lecture by Jens Besser & exhibition
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